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Aligned Soul
Welcome & Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading
Intro Video (6:53)
Intuitive Tarot Reading: Week of Feb. 19th
Week 1: Body, Mind & Soul
Welcome to Week 1 (3:42)
Restorative Yoga Flow (32:55)
Body, Mind, and Soul Meditation (10:00)
Journal Prompts to Connect to Your Soul
Week 2: Chakras
Welcome to Week 2 (5:48)
Vinyasa Yoga Flow (31:00)
Chakra Meditation (20:00)
Journal Prompts to Connect to Each Chakra
Week 3: Intuition
Welcome to Week 3 (5:58)
Explanation of the Clairs (6:35)
Restorative Yoga Flow (34:10)
Connection Meditation (15:00)
Questions to Ask
Week 4: Integration & Intention
Welcome to Week 4 (2:29)
Vinyasa Yoga Flow (35:47)
Energy Clearing Meditation (20:00)
Journal Prompts to Close
Vinyasa Yoga Flow
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